Friday, May 29, 2009

The overall look.....

The carpenter will be back tomorrow to do the cladding in the front & also the rest of the eaves, & anything else that needs doing.
I spent most of yesterday trying to find slumped toughened 12mm glass in quite a big size, for the top of the stairs, one of our customers gave me an estimate for the size that I wanted of around $10,000 I thought that my Husband would have fallen off his chair but as it's for something that he's not happy with, he will have to live with it!!!!!!
Anyway I eventually found some that I am happy with & they can slump it in one piece, which is what we need, so looks like everyone is happy cause I just love slumped glass.
So part of my sleepless night last night was because I am now worrying is this glass going to look ok????? Who said building a house was easy??? It wasn't me that's for sure!!!!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great to hear that you are happy with the colours, it definitely looks so much better with the bricks cleaned up!

Haha, I didn't say it was easy bulding a house either and we haven't even started!